Offer Mass

Offering masses is not only a practice of our very ancient Church, it is a holy and loving act of any Catholic. It is thinking, wishing and acting in favor of another person. It is entrusting someone else to the Lord. It is saying, in communion with the assembly, Saints and Angels present: Lord Thank you, Lord I put this person in your hands, I ask you Lord for this deceased, I commend this particular situation. ❤️

With us you will be able to place your intentions on the altar, offer the number of masses you wish and, at the same time, help Priests and Consecrated Religious with financial difficulties. The donation you make will be for the priest who celebrates your mass and for others who have difficulties due to their age, health problems, the city they live (with deprivation or even persecuted), etc.

The most common masses that we offer or request are the masses for the deceased, for our loved ones who have passed away, but in reality they can also be for: Birthday, Anniversary, Health, Gratitude, Studies, Difficulties, Consolation, Peace of the world, souls of purgatory, among others. There are many reasons and many who need your help.

We Catholic offer masses for:

⭐️ Charity (for love because the soul in purgatory, on its own, cannot),

⭐️ Pity (compassion, desire),

⭐️ Justice.

Very important ‼️: If you offer a mass but you are in mortal sin, the mass would not have the same value as being confessed and in grace with Jesus.

Go ahead and offer masses for your loved ones or whatever intention you have 👇

Write here your intentions (later you may donate)

"You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it (...)" Jn 14:13


Why is it good to offer masses?

Many reasons: it is what pleases the Lord the most, it is what has the most value because of the real presence of our Lord Jesus Christ there, because it is the renewal of the Sacrifice of the Cross, because it is a powerful prayer, it accelerates the passage to heaven, because we unite in holy communion, it erases our venial sins, it increases our love for Christ, in short many... and we will only understand its true value when we are in His Eternal Embrace.

For whom can you celebrate my mass?

The intentions can be for you, your family, the souls in purgatory, the Pope, your community or anyone who needs your help (living or deceased).

Can I also offer Gregorian masses?

Yes, please contact us: [email protected].

Do the masses have a cost?

You do not "pay" for a mass because masses have no cost. Its value is infinite. You make a donation, offering or stipend for social works.

Who celebrates?

Your Eucharist will be celebrated by a poor diocesan or religious priest with financial difficulties and from anywhere in the world. We will send you his name on a card confirming that your Eucharist was celebrated.

Are some priests poor?

Of course there are many priests, specially missionaries. A lot of them struggle to survive or dont have the basic to survive in terms of housing, food, medication, clothing, personal cleaning items, transportation. And not only that, sometimes they're parents or family members too.

Is there another way to help?

Your prayers are invaluable but your donation too. Please help them here: